Amy Chin is a cannabis enthusiast and the founder of Calm Better Days. Based out of the lower east side of New York, Calm Better Days is a woman-owned cannabis company. Their goal is to help you find the right CBD products to fit your needs in intimate, relaxed environments. In this episode, Amy talks about how she had to change her cannabis business on the fly to match the post-COVID conditions we all face.
When Amy was beginning her own CBD journey, she realized that there are not many resources available to teach people everything about CBD. Her belief in natural remedies has played a big part in her journey towards building her business. Before the waves of COVID-19 washed over our world, Calm Better Days presented at-home personal CBD pop-up where Amy herself would educate consumers on CBD in a more intimate setting. These events were going to be similar to a modern-day Tupperware party. The difference being, these parties were to teach people about CBD, answer questions about how to use CBD, and address common misconceptions about CBD products. Amy is now working together with Calacann to bring the intimacy of her CBD Pop-Ups onto an online platform.
Opening up the Space for Women to Learn about CBD.
First, Amy walks us through her own experience with cannabis. After having her two daughters, Amy turned to CBD to help her get through postpartum depression as well as anxiety. Many women, especially women of color, suffer from postpartum depression in addition to general anxiety. Amy wants to give these women the space to learn about CBD and teach how it can help them. Since she is moving her business model online, she is now offering one on one consultations on Zoom to women everywhere.
Switching Up the Business Model on the Fly
With the spread of COVID-19, Amy is obviously no longer able to hold CBD parties anymore. This “New Normal” appears to be here to stay in the Post-COVID world in cannabis in particular. With her new one-on-one consultations and workshops on Zoom, Amy is able to give her clients the individual attention they need and the privacy to talk about what they’re going through. Through a series of questions, Amy is able to come up with the right products and a perfectly tailored regimen for their specific needs. Although her business model has made a complete 180 degree turn, Amy believes there is validity in both situations. In the future, she still wants to have the one-on-one meetings as well as at home CBD Pop-Ups whenever the pandemic is over.
Supporting the Underdogs of The Cannabis Industry
The landscape is always changing in the CBD Industry, and the CoronaVirus only added to that. Amy aims to support the small farms because there is a big difference when it comes to their product quality and plant care. When Amy chooses a vendor, she describes her process as voting with her dollars. She wants people who purchase CBD from her to know that they are also supporting good causes. Everything she does with her cannabis business is essentially for the community and to give back to the world around her.
In addition to small farms, Amy choses to support mostly women-owned or minority-owned businesses. She believes in supporting the people who are truly passionate about and understand the social equity of this industry. She also has teamed up with the Black Moms Matter Alliance, an organization that envisions a world where black mothers have the rights, respect, and resources to thrive before, during, and after pregnancy. Twenty percent of Black Moms don’t get the service or attention they deserve when they give birth. For two weeks, ten percent of Amy’s sales will go to BMMA.
Furthermore, Amy Chin sees big things happening in the future for Calm Better Days. Although COVID-19 has impeded her ability to host bigger workshops in peoples homes, she feels grateful that her Cannabis business is still able to thrive and help women find the relief they need.
3 DANK Points
- How to move your cannabis business online post-COVID while keeping an eye on your goals
- Providing the cannabis education people crave in non-confrontational settings
- The importance of supporting small farms, women-owned and minority-owned businesses
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