Dwight Christie is the Owner of GreenDoor Health & Wellness LLC, a small CBD company based right outside of Salt Lake City in Utah. Their main focus is to provide holistic nutrition counseling and promote CBD products for health. In this episode, Dwight shares his story of how CBD helped him leave a stressful job and get on the right track by putting his health first.
First, Dwight tells us about his goal to give value to people who are struggling with full wellness. He shares with me how hemp and CBD are so wrongly perceived in the conservative state of Utah as drugs or some kind of snake oil. Due to the stigma there, people don’t believe that cannabis is legal. They are under the impression that CBD can get you high. The core belief in states like this is that cannabis will affect you on a negative level, and that is simply not true. Dwight explains to me how hemp, as an unregulated product, can have a lot of counterfeit products being sold under the impression that they are real. This is why the state requires products to have a QR code to show the purity and ingredients of products. As a certified holistic nutritionist & health coach, Dwights passion is finding the purest hemp and CBD products to help his clients. This is how Green Door Health & Wellness came into fruition.
10 years ago, Dwight worked for a large financial corporate structure. In this line of work he began noticing his body undergo a lot of stress and realized he must take quick action to take care of his body. At this time, He started becoming passionate about the 1000s of years of history behind herbs and plants. After studying numerous diets and nutritional fads, he came down to the sole conclusion that the body truly thrives on balance.
Lastly, Dwight shares his advice that wellness is a long term game. Any plan of action toward your own health must be sustainable and incorporated into your lifestyle and time table. It should be something that we constantly have to work on. We live in a society that relies on instant gratification of everything. He is aware of the fact that dopamine rushes have become so easily and heavily influenced on our world, there is technically no balance. Dwight is now working on a study that explores how CBD is able to help with addiction.
3 DANK Points
- Why certain diet fads such as keto or paleo are not sustainable.
- Differentiating yourself from other brick and mortar cannabis stores.
- Insuring your products are branded with the same values your business has.
Does your cannabis, hemp, CBD company need to improve local or e-Commerce sales? Set up a time to speak with us at Calacann – Cannabis Marketing Agency (https://calacann.com/grow) to discuss how our digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), web design, affiliate/referral marketing or influencer marketing campaigns can help you. Home of the D.A.N.C. Method.
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