Sustainable Health: Why Wellness is so Much More than CBD Oil

Sustainable Health: Why Wellness is so Much More than CBD Oil

DANK Discussions Cannabis Podcast
DANK Discussions - Making More Money with Your Cannabis, Hemp, CBD Business
Sustainable Health: Why Wellness is so Much More than CBD Oil

Dwight Christie is the Owner of GreenDoor Health & Wellness LLC, a small CBD company based right outside of Salt Lake City in Utah. Their main focus is to provide holistic nutrition counseling and promote CBD products for health. In this episode, Dwight shares his story of how CBD helped him leave a stressful job and get on the right track by putting his health first. 


Cannabis in Latin America: The Push for Legalization Amidst Discrimination

Cannabis in Latin America: The Push for Legalization Amidst Discrimination

DANK Discussions Cannabis Podcast
DANK Discussions - Making More Money with Your Cannabis, Hemp, CBD Business
Cannabis in Latin America: The Push for Legalization Amidst Discrimination

Javier Hasse is the CEO of El Planteo, Managing Director of Benzinga Cannabis, Book author with Entrepreneur Media, and a weed reporter for various publications including Forbes, Playboy, CNBC and CNN. Based in Latin America, he specializes in covering cannabis, hemp, CBD and psychedelics news, information, events and tech with a focus on finance and business. In this episode of DANK Discussions, Javier talks to our host Maynard Breslow about legalization laws, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the undercurrent of racism in Latin America.


Opponent to Advocate: How a Life Coach Came Around to Cannabis

Opponent to Advocate: How a Life Coach Came Around to Cannabis

DANK Discussions Cannabis Podcast
DANK Discussions - Making More Money with Your Cannabis, Hemp, CBD Business
Opponent to Advocate: How a Life Coach Came Around to Cannabis

Lacey Lorr’Quin is the Holistic nutritionist, transpersonal hypnotherapist, life coach, and Creator of 360 Whole Wellness. In this episode of DANK Discussions, Lacey joins Maynard Breslow to talk about her journey and her hope to make a positive impact on the wellness side of the cannabis industry.


How You Can Help in Cannabis Advocacy in this Election Year

How You Can Help in Cannabis Advocacy in this Election Year

DANK Discussions Cannabis Podcast
DANK Discussions - Making More Money with Your Cannabis, Hemp, CBD Business
How You Can Help in Cannabis Advocacy in this Election Year

Penelope Hamilton is a Master Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Medical Cannabis Educator, and Community Outreach Manager for The Medical Cannabis Community. She has created communities all over the east coast that are helping in the lobbying and advocacy efforts towards the legalization of cannabis. In this episode, she shares her experience with prescription meds and how cannabis has helped her regain her life.


Social Entrepreneurship & CBD: Building a Socially Conscious Brand

Social Entrepreneurship & CBD: Building a Socially Conscious Brand

DANK Discussions Cannabis Podcast
DANK Discussions - Making More Money with Your Cannabis, Hemp, CBD Business
Social Entrepreneurship & CBD: Building a Socially Conscious Brand

Josey Orr is the CEO of HUGS Wellness, a small CBD company based out of Austin, TX. Hugs was created with two goals in mind: to bring a new standard of transparency to the CBD industry and to deliver high-quality products to customers. In this episode of DANK Discussions, Josey talks to host Maynard Breslow about social entrepreneurship and the importance of creating a CBD business with the intention of giving back.


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