How to Help Your Customers  Find the Right CBD Products Fit Perfectly for Them

How to Help Your Customers Find the Right CBD Products Fit Perfectly for Them

DANK Discussions Cannabis Podcast
DANK Discussions - Making More Money with Your Cannabis, Hemp, CBD Business
How to Help Your Customers Find the Right CBD Products Fit Perfectly for Them

Carl Burwell Jr. is the CEO and Founder of Green Passion Industries based in New York City and Garden State Hemp which is based out of Millburn, New Jersey. Carl is an experienced business professional whose mission is to educate the community about the amazing effects and benefits of Cannabis. Carl talks with us about the importance of educating consumers about CBD and how a certain product can affect a specific individual.


Leveraging an Influencer Marketing Strategy for the European Cannabis Market

Leveraging an Influencer Marketing Strategy for the European Cannabis Market

DANK Discussions Cannabis Podcast
DANK Discussions - Making More Money with Your Cannabis, Hemp, CBD Business
Leveraging an Influencer Marketing Strategy for the European Cannabis Market

Moritz Fendt is the Co-Founder of NXT Pharma and Hanfgeflüster. Based on Berlin Germany, he is an upstart businessman who pioneered the distribution of medical cannabis in Europe. In this episode of DANK Discussion, Moritz talks to our host, Maynard Breslow, about regulations of cannabis distribution across Europe, how elections open up the discussion for legalization, and his new strategies for influencer marketing.


The Alchemy of Cannabis: Applying Consciousness to Plant Based Medicine

The Alchemy of Cannabis: Applying Consciousness to Plant Based Medicine

DANK Discussions Cannabis Podcast
DANK Discussions - Making More Money with Your Cannabis, Hemp, CBD Business
The Alchemy of Cannabis: Applying Consciousness to Plant Based Medicine

Trevor Polinsky is the CEO of Soular Alchemy tuning in from Rollinsville, Colorado. Trevor has an extensive background in alchemical formulations and has had the honor of learning from some of the best alchemists currently alive. He is passionate about giving back to the world and continuing to learn more about the never ending alchemy of cannabis.


Cannabis and Veganism: Breaking Stigmas around the Plant that matches human biology

Cannabis and Veganism: Breaking Stigmas around the Plant that matches human biology

DANK Discussions Cannabis Podcast
DANK Discussions - Making More Money with Your Cannabis, Hemp, CBD Business
Cannabis and Veganism: Breaking Stigmas around the Plant that matches human biology

Veronica Castillo is is a writer and journalist in the cannabis industry and the psychedelics space. She writes and contributes content to various companies and brands, as well as travels the world on an exploration for everything plant medicine. 


Cannabis Cultivation: Executing the Right Techniques to Grow the Purest Flower

Cannabis Cultivation: Executing the Right Techniques to Grow the Purest Flower

DANK Discussions Cannabis Podcast
DANK Discussions - Making More Money with Your Cannabis, Hemp, CBD Business
Cannabis Cultivation: Executing the Right Techniques to Grow the Purest Flower

Reza Barzi is the owner of Vital CBD and managing operator at The Great American Ranch. With ten years experience in the industry, his main goal at The Great American Ranch is to produce the purest high quality flowers of cannabis and hemp. As one of the first farms to be able to produce both hemp and cannabis in Oregon, Reza strongly believes that his consumers deserve quality products harvested from seed to sale in the cleanest way.


Sustainable Health: Why Wellness is so Much More than CBD Oil

Sustainable Health: Why Wellness is so Much More than CBD Oil

DANK Discussions Cannabis Podcast
DANK Discussions - Making More Money with Your Cannabis, Hemp, CBD Business
Sustainable Health: Why Wellness is so Much More than CBD Oil

Dwight Christie is the Owner of GreenDoor Health & Wellness LLC, a small CBD company based right outside of Salt Lake City in Utah. Their main focus is to provide holistic nutrition counseling and promote CBD products for health. In this episode, Dwight shares his story of how CBD helped him leave a stressful job and get on the right track by putting his health first. 


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